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Writer's picture: ANDDA ANDDA



AGS titles -- ARMCH Pretty Doe 3*D E

AR -- Advanced Registry (earned a milk star on 305-day test) Master Champion (earned GCh at 3 different AGS shows) 3*D -- earned her milk star and so did both her dam and maternal grand (she's the third generation of star milkers) E - Excellent - classified with a score of 90 or above in AGS

ADGA titles - GCH Pretty Doe 3*M E90

G - she earned her milk star along with a permanent championship. CH - she is a permanent champion, having won 3 official ADGA legs. 3*M - she is a third-generation star milker. E90 - she linear appraised with an overall score of 90, which is an Excellent rating.

Comparing AGS titles with ADGA titles.........

MCH and CH are basically the same things ARMCH and GCH are basically the same things *M and *D are basically the same things The "E"s are a similar thing, but not exactly the same, as AGS classification and ADGA appraisal are two different programs, with different criteria.


While the CH titles are fairly straightforward, milk awards get very much more complicated. Bucks can earn milk awards. Please check the ADGA and AGS rules for details. Here is a brief outline.

*M (ADGA) and *D (AGS)- milk star recognition based on DHIA milk testing and minimum criteria (milk levels) for Advanced Registry or Star program set by ADGA and AGS. The number of stars indicates the number of consecutive generations of does that qualified. A doe can earn an *M or *D if she has 3 daughters or a combination of sons and daughters who qualify. *B (ADGA) or *S (AGS) - bucks can earn this if their dams or offspring are qualified

+B or +S the same recognition for bucks who have three AR or Star daughters from three different dams, or sons with +B's

++B or ++S recognition for bucks if he has both sons and daughters who qualify.

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Karen Goodchild
Karen Goodchild
Jan 30, 2023

This information is also on the back pages of the ANDDA 2023 annual calendar!

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