Did you know each ADGA and AGS District is eligible to host a breed specialty show? The application cost is $50, with half refunded once results and photographs are submitted for website publishing. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the breed and boost entry numbers.
ANDDA sends medals for the Grand and Reserve Champions at each Specialty.
It is not uncommon for breeders to bring out their permanent champions to earn accolades at a Specialty, so offering a Champion Challenge class is one way a Show Committee can spread out the number of animals earning awards.
Hosting a Specialty Show is not much more added work for the Show Committee, although the judge needs to be made aware before submitting a contract. If the show decides to host any Specialty Group classes, those must be decided on and promoted. It is up to the local show to write the rules for each group class.
ANDDA does not provide awards for Specialty Group classes, nor does ADGA or AGS recognize group class winners in local or fair shows. All animals in the group classes must be entered in the show in order to participate in the group.
Not all animals in group classes need to be owned by the same farm, for instance in a Produce of Dam or Get Group class the animals may not have the same herd names but be related as progeny. Breeder’s Trio requires all animals to have the same herd name and exhibited by the breeder. In a senior group, when the evidence of quality is with a milking pair, preference will always go to the pair or group of consistent senior does.
Senior group classes are often shown after the senior show while a doe in milk is still full, with junior group shown after the junior show.

Group classes can include:
· Dairy Herd—4 does owned by the same person; can be different herd names
· Produce of Dam—2 does from same dam, preferably in milk
· Senior Breeder Trio– All with the same herd name
· Dam and Daughter –Not necessarily owned by the same person, preference given to a pair in milk
· Get of Sire—3 from the same sire (Sr, Jr, or Buck class)
· Junior Produce of Dam—2 junior does from same dam
· Junior Dairy Breeder Trio—Three with same herd name
· Sire and Son—Not necessarily owned by same person
· Buck Dairy Breeder Trio—all with the same herd name